About us
Hillingdon AC was created in 1966 through the amalgamation of Ruislip-Northwood and Finchley Harriers, founded in 1877.
More on club history here.
The objective of Hillingdon AC is ‘to give every member the opportunity to train and participate at his and her best level, in a professional and happy environment and be recognised locally as such a club”.
We pride ourselves on being a friendly, open club with an active social section throughout the year for all age groups. The Club has around 400 paid up members of which almost half are under 21. The Club is open to individuals of all ages and ability and currently provides competition in track, field, road and cross country from 11 years of age up.
Hillingdon AC is affiliated to UK Athletics through England Athletics, the South of England Athletic Association and Middlesex County Amateur Athletics Association. The Club has produced numerous internationals and past Olympians including two Olympic champions – the last David Hemery in 1968. We have also competed at the highest club level. The past few years have seen the Club develop a resurgent junior section. The Club believes this is the key to producing the top class athletes the Club needs to reach its potential. Every year the Club has made significant investment in people, equipment, clothing, training courses and travel to support this goal. Hillingdon AC is part of UK Athletic’s ‘Clubs Future’ programme. The programme is used to monitor current performance and plan the Club’s future development. We endeavour to ensure all coaches, team managers and individuals in regular contact with children are CRB checked. The Club is run on a democratic basis with each key management post elected in March at our annual AGM. On a day to day basis the Club is run by its 6 sub committees who report and make up the management committee. Club accounts are presented at each AGM by the Treasurer, a qualified accountant, and are independently audited by a qualified auditor. Hillingdon AC is in good financial health with significant cash reserves to enable the Club to comfortably meet its financial needs.
Membership is on an annual basis with the year running from 1 April to 31 March.
Membership fees and forms are here.
Please visit the location and training sections to see maps of where we are and when we train.
Hillingdon Athletics Club headquarters and clubhouse is to be found at:
206 Bury Street, Ruislip, Middlesex
Telephone: 01895 678459 Website: www.hillingdonac.co.uk