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Ted Bamford

                 TED BAMFORD
                           1927 – 2015
                       Joined our club 1950
As a 15 year old I ran in the now defunct “Mob Match” v Ranelagh Harriers at Richmond Park. Having completed the youths race I was jogging around cheering on our Seniors when a sturdy figure wearing an HAC vest,who I was later to get to know very well,came into view.I was just about to call out some encouragement when he turned to me and said “Please don’t ask me to go any faster”.
This was my first contact with Ted Bamford one of the greatest figures in our recent club history.

Ted was a great leader and motivator and I well remember my early years at the old clubhouse where he would organise events and be a “pack leader”on the training runs.
The events included things like The Super Athlete Competition,which involved running,push ups,sit ups and weight lifting,he once gave me a zero handicap and then was very suprised when I finished last.
Also who could forget The Iron Bar Cross Country Race,where the first man and the last man out carried an iron bar and when you were either overtaken or overtook one of them,you had to take the bar.I think Eric Shirley hid in the bushes to avoid the bar at one point
Other events included:
The Wilkie Mile,originaly run on Kings College Track and named after his long term friend Ron Wilkinson.
The Burgundy A yacht handicap cross country race and of course The Gosunder 5 Mile Road Handicap which he started in 1955.
After a while his involvement expanded beyond just Clubhouse activities during his time as Secretary, Chairman and President. When he did all he could to help us develop as an Athletics Club, including the upgrade of Hayes Track, which at the time was the main Track/Field venue in The Borough, negotiating the sponsorship deal with Express Daries, being one of the main people involved with starting The Hillingdon Half Marathon and constantly talking to The Council to try and get the best deal for our club.
Whilst doing all this he was also involved with many other sports the main ones being golf, skiing and sailing,whist also organizing trips abroad for our members all around Europe.
However his greatest acheivement for our club has to be the building of our clubhouse, a project which took 7 years where he carried on through all the problems when most people would have given up long before. Before joining our club he spent several years in The Merchant Navy and later built a very successful business in The Building Industry as well as raising 4 sons with his exceptionally loyal wife Bridget.
I once spoke to one of his business colleagues who described Ted as “a hell of a great man”,which I certainly would not argue with.
Article by Alan Chidley
Ted’s support and co-operation throughout his life are equal. His passing
has left us with memories that most will recall and wish to remember.
Time has passed and even in his late life he gave his very best in helping
others understand the sport of athletics. Bless you Ted, you were one of the
from his oldest living friend Ron Wilkinson.